28. To Saint Mary's Home for Little Colored Boys, Balti-
more, Maryland, the sum of five hundred dollars for the fiscal
year 1913, and the like sum of five hundred dollars for the
fiscal year 1914.
29. To Saint Mary's Female Orphan Asylum, the sum of
five thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1913, and the like sum
of five thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1914.
30. To Saint Vincent's Infant Asylum, the sum of sixty-
five hundred dollars for the fiscal year 1913, and the like sum
of sixty-five hundred dollars for the fiscal year 1914.
31. To Saint Vincent's Male Orphan Asylum, the sum of
seventy-five hundred dollars for the fiscal year 1913, and the
like sum of seventy-five hundred dollars for the fiscal year 1914.
32. To the General German Orphan Asylum, Baltimore,
the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars for the fiscal year 1913.
and the like sum of twenty-five hundred dollars for the fiscal
year 1914.
33. To the Hebrew Children's Sheltering and Protective
Association of Baltimore City, the sum of three thousand dol-
lars for the fiscal year 1913, and the like sum of three thousand
dollars for the fiscal year 1914.
34. To the Hebrew Orphan Asylum, the sum of four thou-
sand dollars for the fiscal year 1913, and the like sum of four
thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1914.
35. To Mercy Hospital, the sum of twenty-thousand dollars
for the fiscal year 1913, and the like sum of twenty thousand
dollars for the fiscal year 1914; provided the said Mercy Hos-
pital shall furnish one bed, maintenance and treatment for
one patient at a time from each Senatorial District of the
State of Maryland, during two years from the date of the
passage of this act.
36. To the Franklin Square Hospital of Baltimore City,
the sum of seven thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1913, and
the like sum of seven thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1914:
upon the condition that the said hospital receive from each
county in the State and from each legislative district of Balti-
more City, one free patient at a time each year, upon the certifi-
cate of the County Commissioners of each county and the Board
of Health of Baltimore City.
37. To the Hebrew Hospital and Asylum Association, the
sum of ten thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1913, and the
like sum of ten thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1914.
38. To the Hospital for Women of Maryland, the sum
of ten thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1913, and the like
sum of ten thousand dollars for the fiscal year 1914.