170 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 90]
of candidates who pass the examination shall be prepared and
published and their relative standing or order of merit given.
Notice of any vacancy in the scholarships at large shall be
given by advertisement published in a newspaper published in
the City of Baltimore, and the names of the qualified candidates
and the order of their standing or merit shall be similarly pub-
None of the scholarships provided for by this first section
shall, however, be awarded by the university to any candidate
therefor unless the Senator from the county or legislative dis-
trict in which such applicant resides certifies that his residence
in such county or district is bona fide, and that his financial
circumstances are such that he is unable to procure such educa-
tion without free tuition, as above provided.
Whenever there are several applicants for the same scholar-
ship ,all eligible under the foregoing requirements and all certi-
fied as eligible by the Senator from the county or district as
above provided, that then the award of the scholarship by the
university shall not be based on the standing or order of merit
alone, but the merit and financial circumstances shall be con-
sidered together for the purpose of selecting the most deserv-
ing of said applicants.
Second: Three of said scholarships are apportioned or allotted
to graduates of each of the following colleges: Loyola College,
Maryland Agricultural College, Mount St. Mary's College,
Rook Hill College, St. John's College, Washington College,
Western Maryland College.
The award of scholarships to the graduates of said colleges
shall be made without regard to the ability of the applicant to
pay tuition fees, and such awards shall be determined solely by
the scholastic standing and merit of the applicant as deter-
mined and certified by the president or other executive officer
of the college of which he may be a graduate.
Third: The original and subsequent awards of scholarships
shall be so arranged, so far as their number and the duration of
the courses of the study permit, that substantially the same
number of original awards, as distinguished from renewals or
reappointments, shall be made each year, and so that such resi-
dents of said counties or legislative districts and graduates of
said colleges may at all times hold the number of such scholar-
ships to which they are entitled, and so that the total number of
said scholarships so held at one time may as nearly as possible
be equal to but shall not exceed one hundred and twenty-nine