Receipts Into the Treasury During the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1911.
Annapolis Water Company. ...
1,800 00
Baltimore and Fredericktown Turnpike Co ....
2,035 00
Bank Commissioner .....................
6,220 00
Bonus on Corporations .......................
24,027 89
Boundary Line Between Maryland and West
Virginia ...................................
5,393 03
Charter Fees from Foreign Corporations.. .....
871 16
Conscience Fund .............................
19 00
Extradition of Criminals — Repayment. ........
61 90
Excess of Fees of Office..,
118,785 66
Farmers' National Bank of Annapolis. . .
4,414 65
Franchise Tax..
55,913 10
Franchise Tax on Charter Bights. .............
1,157 50
Fines and Forfeitures ........................
12,192 65
General Measurers and Inspectors of Oysters. .
25,403 20
House ol Correction ..........................
46,000 00
Insane Convicts — Repayment. ................
287 50
Interest on Personal Accounts. ...............
10,173 91
Interest on Deposits ..........................
15,341 71
Interest on Deposits, Balto. City Collector. ....
424 44
Interest on the Public Debt. ..................
12,459 16
Insurance — Repayment. ......................
67 54
Land Office ......
2,029 26
Licenses — Auctioneers ....................
$ 4,260 00
and Tax on Insurance Companies . . .
253,618 50
Billiard Table... ...................
15,979 87
Brokers ...........................
26,090 30
Cigarette ..........................
12,362 75
Exbibition. ........................
6,403 50
Fishery — Chesapeake Bay ..........
471 45
Gaugers. ..........................
99 00
Gunners ...........................
42 76
Hawkers and Peddlers .............
2,196 41
High Liquor — Baltimore City. ......
1,501,110 47
Live Stock Dealers. ................
661 16
Motor Vehicles.. ...................
75,000 00
Ordinary ..........................
24,213 83
Oyster House. .....................
6,466 12
Oyster Canners, Packers and Com-
misson Merchants.. ..............
4,464 75
Oyster Measurers. .................
204 25
Purse Net .........................
200 00
Race and Fishery. .................
7 60
Carried forward ........................
$1,933,832 72
1344,068 1