ical examination of their cattle that they might think right and
proper in order to determine disease; and
WHEREAS, The Health Department of Washington City has
recently seen fit to compel many of the dairymen of our State
to submit their herds to what is known as the "Tuberculin Test"
(to the efficacy of which doctors do not agree), or be compelled
to cease shipping milk and cream into the said city; and
WHEREAS, The said Health Department of Washington City
has said that it intends to enforce the said test upon every herd
in Maryland from which milk and cream is shipped into the
said city; and
WHEREAS, The enforcement of the said "Tuberculin Test"
has already resulted in the wholesale and ruthless destruction
of some of Maryland's finest herds of cattle and which has
compelled many of our citizens to look elsewhere for a living;
WHEREAS, The continuance of the enforcement of this test
without compensation for the animals destroyed will mean the
utter destruction of the dairy business in that portion of our
State which supplies Washington city with milk and cream; and,
WHEREAS, The Honorable David J. Lewis, one of the mem-
bers from this State in the House of Representatives is striv-
ing to have Congress appropriate a sum of money to compen-
sate the owners who lose their cattle as the result of the enforce-
ment of the said test. Therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate and House of Delegates of Maryland,
That the Senators representing this State in the United States
Congress and the other members from this State in the House
of Representatives be and they are hereby earnestly requested
to do all within their power to aid the Honorable David J.
Lewis in having Congress pass a law for the relief of the dairy-
men who lose their cattle from the enforcement upon them of
this "Tuberculin Test."