[Ch. 851]
and vehicular traffic across the Susquehanna River between
the City of Havre de Grace and the Town of Perryville.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments sections 8, 15,
42, 49, 63, 77, 82 and 91 of Article 65 of the Code of Public
General Laws of Maryland, 1904, title "Militia," as amended
by Chapter 103, Acts of 1908, and Chapter 204, Acts of
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That sections 8, 15, 42, 49, 63, 77, 82 and 91 of Article
65 of the Code of Public .General Laws of Maryland, 1904, title
"Militia," as amended by Chapter 103, Acts of 1908, and Chap-
ter 204, Acts of 1910, be and the same are hereby repealed and
re-enacted with amendments so as to read as follows:
SEC. 8. The staff of the Governor shall consist of the Adju-
tant-General, who shall be chief of staff and acting Quarter-
master-General, and shall have the rank of Brigadier-General,
and whose salary shall be three thousand dollars per annum,
and the said sum is hereby appropriated for that purpose annu-
ally and the Comptroller is directed to draw his warrant on
the Treasurer who is hereby directed to pay the same in equal
monthly instalments; and a Quartermaster-General, a Chief
of Ordnance, an Inspector-General, a Surgeon-General, a Judge-
Advocate-General ; all of whom shall have the rank of Brigadier-
General, shall be appointed by the Governor; and the Governor
is hereby empowered to appoint such number of aides, not ex-
ceeding ten, with the rank of Colonel, as may be necessary to
the discharge of his duties as Commander-in-Chief, and the
Assistant Adjutant-General. The Adjutant-General shall be
appointed by the Governor from the officers of the National
Guard from those who have served in the National Guard as
officers, or from officers of the United States Army above the
rank of Captain, and he shall be entitled to all the rights and
privileges granted to other officers in the National Guard in this
article. All of these staff officers shall be appointed by the
Governor and shall hold office during his pleasure, and their
commission shall expire with the term of office of the Governor
appointing them, with the exception of the Adjutant-General,
who shall bold office until the qualification of his successor.