[Ch. 812]
tional powers and providing for an annual appropriation to
the use of said commissioners by the County Commissioners
of Dorchester County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That section 330 of Article 10 of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland, title "Dorchester County," sub-title
"Hurlock," be and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted
with amendments, and that two additional sections, to be known
as 330A and 330B, be and the same are hereby enacted, to read
as follows:
SEC. 330. The Commissioners of Hurlock shall have full
power to make and pass all such by-laws, regulations and ordi-
nances not inconsistent with the Constitution and Laws of this
State, as from time to time they may deem wise, equitable and
expedient for the good order, comfort, health and convenience of
the said town and its inhabitants; for the prevention and remo-
val of nuisances; for the preservation of health, for the protec-
tion of the lives and limbs of the inhabitants of the said town
and of persons temporarily therein and for the suppression
of vice and immorality within the said limits; and they shall
have full power to grant permits and franchises for the use
of the streets, lanes, alleys and other thoroughfares of Hurlock
by telephone, telegraph, electric light and other wires and
poles in, over and upon, or pipes under the same, for the pur-
pose of installing a system of gas or electric or other lights,
or power, or of water-works or other public enterprise involving
the use of the said streets, alleys, lanes or other thoroughfares.
And the commissioners of said town shall have full power
at their discretion to charge a reasonable sum for the use of
said streets, lanes and alleys, and to levy a tax on all poles,
wires, pipes and other property connected therewith, includ-
ing poles, wires and phones already in the Town of Hurlock,
and said commissioners shall require of any person, company
or corporation who may be granted a permit or franchise for
the use of said streets, alleys or lanes, a bond which shall guar-
antee to the Town of Hurlock good service.
And the said commissioners shall have the right to levy a
tax not exceeding in any one year one hundred cents, on the
one hundred dollars on the taxable property within said cor-
poration limits, to be applied to carrying out the purposes of
said corporation. They shall be entitled to appoint, as soon
as may be convenient after each regular election, a town bailiff,
who shall hold till the next election unless sooner removed by