[Ch. 811]
secutive numbers, beginning with No. 2. Bend No. 1 of series
B shall fall due and be payable one year from the date of the
maturity of the last bond of series A, and thereafter a bond
shall fall due and be payable in each consecutive year from the
date of maturity of Bond No. 1 of series B, said bonds to be
paid and redeemable in the order of their consecutive numbers
beginning with Bond No. 2 of series B.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the Commissioners of
Church Hill shall sell said bonds at public or private sale, but
no bonds shall be sold for less than its par value. The proceeds
of the sales of said bonds shall be deposited in bank as a separate
fund from the other funds of said corporation in the name of
The Commissioners of Church Hill, Road Fund, and shall be
withdrawn only by checks signed by at least two commissioners
of said corporation. The proceeds of the sale of said bonds
shall be exclusively appropriated and applied to grading and
improving the beds of said streets with stone or other material
of a permanent character adapted to durability and wear and
tear and not to ordinary repairs of streets or roads or the making
or repairing of sidewalks.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the commissioners of
Church Hill shall have full power and authority to grade and
improve the beds of said streets in the manner indicated by
section 3 of this act, and to make 'contracts for that purpose
and to do all things necessary or proper to carry out the inten-
tions of this act.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of redeem-
ing said bonds at their maturity and for securing the prompt
payment of the interest thereon, the commissioners of Church
Hill shall levy annually a special tax on each one hundred dol-
lars ($100.00) of the assessed value of all property, real and
personal in the corporate limits of said' Church Hill, subject
to taxation, in addition to the other taxes now authorized by
law to be levied and collected, such sums of money as shall be
necessary to pay the annual interest of said bonds and to redeem
and pay each year one of said bonds. Said tax shall be known
as "The Road Tax," and shall be levied at the same time and
shall become due and in arrear at the same time, and shall bear
interest from the same date, and shall be liens on all property
of the person or corporation assessed, and shall be collected in
the same manner as the other taxes now authorized to be levied,
assessed and collected by the commissioners of Church Hill.
The proceeds of said special tax shall be kept separate from the
other funds of said corporation, and shall be used for the pay-