tisement for bids, and with power to reject any or all bids which
may be received therefor. And said council shall have full
control of said water works, sewerage system and electric light-
ing plant when constructed, and shall have authority to employ
such superintendents, workmen or other employees as may be
necessary to carry on the same, and to purchase all supplies
aecessary for the successful operation thereof; to establish and
maintain rules and regulations for furnishing said water and
electric lighting to the residents thereof, and to sell water,
light or power to any person or corporation, and to compel the
householders of said town to connect their houses with the sewer-
age system so to be established, whenever in their judgment the
public health and safety makes such action necessary, and
pass all ordinances necessary thereto; to establish and enforce
rules and regulations governing sewer, water and electric wire
connections and construction in said town; to fix and establish,
from time to time, a schedule of rates and charges to be made
and collected for the use of said water and electric lighting, by
private consumers and to provide for the manner of collecting
the same, which said charges are hereby made a lien upon the
real estate to which said water and light may be furnished of
the same degree and to be collected in the same-manner, when
delinquent, as the general taxes of said town. The said council
is also empowered to make suitable provision for the protection
of the property in said town from fire by providing a suitable
number of fire plugs or public hydrants properly adapted to that
purpose and conveniently situated for use.
1898, ch. 125, sec. 5.
That the title to said water works, sewerage system
and electric lighting plant, and all lands, estates, water-courses,
water-ways, conduit pipes, machinery, and all other parts there-
of whatever, and all property belonging and pertaining thereto
shall, when completed as required, vest in said town of Takoma
Park, and any person who shall knowingly or wilfully pollute
any spring, stream, brook, water course, or reservoir in con-
nection with said water works so built or erected, by throwing
or placing any impure or deleterious substance or thing into
the same or by swimming, bathing or washing themselves, or
by washing clothes or any unclean or impure thing therein, or
by committing or permitting any nuisance in or near the
sources of supply, or the reservoirs, for said water works so as
to pollute the same shall, upon conviction of such offense, be
liable to a fine of not less than five nor more than fifty dollars
for each offense, to be recovered by the town of Takoma Park
before a justice of the peace, as other fines are recoverable,