which the said property fronts. In all cases in which the ques-
tion shall arise as to the street upon which said property may
front, the decision of the Council in regard thereto shall be final
and conclusive.
Ibid. sec. 40G.
627. To carry out the provisions of this act the said Mayor
and Council are hereby given power and authority in addition
to such power and authority as are now possessed by said town
to borrow money, to borrow such additional sums from time to
time as may be needed to carry out the provisions of this act
and to issue certificates of indebtedness as evidence thereof. All
sums so borrowed shall be kept in a separate account to be
known as "The Street Improvement Account," and shall be
borrowed for no longer period than shall be sufficient to collect
the special assessments provided for to construct improvements
made hereunder and shall be repaid out of the special assess-
ments aforesaid when the same shall be collected.
1904, ch. 18, sec. 40H.
628. The Council shall, by an ordinance duly passed, have
the power to license, regulate, restrain or prohibit the sale of
malt, spirituous or otherwise intoxicating liquors within the
corporate limits of the town of Takoma Park, Maryland, and
any license for the sale thereof shall not be granted by the
Mayor and Council for at least one week after an application
has been filed therefor. Upon the filing of any said application
it shall be the duty of the Mayor and Council to post in five
conspicuous places in said town notice of their intention to con-
sider the matter of the issuance of such license, and such notice
shall be posted at least three days before the time for the con-
sideration of the same, which notice shall state the time and
place where all persons shall have the right to appear before
the said Mayor and Council and enter such approval or objec-
tions thereto as they may desire. And it shall be unlawful for
any person or persons or corporations to sell any kind of spir-
ituous, malt or other kinds of intoxicating liquors within .the
corporate limits of the town of Takoma Park, Maryland, with-
out first obtaining a license therefor from the Mayor and
Council of said town. It shall also be unlawful to provide a
place for betting or gaming purposes, or to bet, wager or gamble
in any manner, or by any means, or to make or sell pools
within the corporate limits of the town of Takoma Park,
Maryland, on the result of any race of any kind. The Council
shall also have the power to license, regulate or prohibit any
place of public amusement or recreation, pleasure parks, picnic
grounds, club houses, theatrical exhibitions, baseball grounds,