[Ch. 790]
visors thereof in writing; and they are authorized and empow-
ered to levy a tax on the assessable property of the county suffi-
cient to carry into effect the provisions of this sub-title of this
Ibid. sec. 175.
446. They are empowered to fill all vacancies that may
occur amongst said supervisors.
Ibid. sec. 176.
447. Any person who shall recklessly shoot along any pub-
lic road or highway, or on the streets of any town or village in
Montgomery county, thereby causing injury to persons, stock
or vehicles, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon
conviction thereof before a justice of the peace shall, at the dis-
cretion of the said justice, be subject to a fine of not less than
five dollars and costs for each offence; the fine shall be doubled
in every instance if the offence be committed in the night, or
on Sunday; and the offender shall be committed to the county
jail until such fines and costs are paid, or until discharged by
due process of law.
Ibid. sec. 177.
448. It shall be the duty of every teamster or driver of any
wagon, carriage, cart or other vehicle, drawn by a horse or
mule, to remain with the same whilst traveling on any turn-
pike or public road in Montgomery county, or through the streets
of any incorporated city or town in said county, so as at all
times to have the horse attached to the same under his control;
and any teamster or driver leaving the same whilst traveling on
such turnpike, road or street shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon conviction before a justice of the peace, shall be fined
not exceeding twenty dollars, or be imprisoned in the county
jail for a term not exceeding thirty days, or both fined and
imprisoned in the discretion of the court
1898, ch. 113, sec. 177A.
449: Of the sum levied in each year for the repair of pub-
lic roads in the several collection districts of Montgomery
county, one-half thereof and as much more thereof as the board
of county commissioners of said county shall deem advisable
shall be set apart and devoted to the permanent improvement
of said road by the use of stone or other hard material, and
said sum shall be placed to the credit of the county commis-
sioners of the respective collection districts for that purpose
alone; annually before the first day of May, the commissioners
for the respective collection districts shall examine the condi-
tion of the roads thereof, and as soon as practicable shall make