Ibid. sec. 134.
388. That no person, persons, house, company, association
or body corporate shall deposit, keep or have in his, her or their
or its possession any spirituous or fermented liquors, or intoxi-
cating drinks of any kind whatsoever, or any article used and.
sold as a beverage in the composition of which whiskey, brandy,
high wines, or alcoholic, spirituous or fermented liquors shall be
an ingredient or ingredients, with intent to barter or sell in
violation of the preceding section hereof, or with the intent
that the same shall be bartered or sold in violation thereof
within the limits of said county, or to aid or assist any person,
persons, house, company association or body corporate in such
barter or sale.
Ibid. sec. 134A.
389. That if any person or persons, house, company, asso-
ciation or body corporate, shall violate any of the provisions of
sections 387 and 388 aforesaid, within the limits of Mont-
gomery, county, he, she, it or they shall, on each and every con-
viction thereof, forfeit, and pay a fine of not less than one hun-
dred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars and costs of
prosecution and be confined in the Maryland House of Cor-
rection for not less than three months nor more than twelve
months, or in the discretion of the court, forfeit and pay a fine
of not less than fifty dollars nor more than five hundred dollars
and costs of prosecution, and failing to pay such fine or fines
and costs forthwith, shall be sentenced to be confined in the
Maryland House of Correction for a term not less than three
months nor more than twelve months, or until such fine or fines
and costs are paid.
1904, ch.
390. That in the trial of any person or persons, or any
house, company, association or body corporate for a violation
of any of the preceding sections hereof, it shall be lawful for
the State to prove that such person or persons, house, company,
association or body corporate on trial has or have been paid
(if such be the case) a special tax to the government of the
United States, under the internal revenue laws thereof, upon
or for his, her, their, or its business as a brewer or brewers, or
retail dealer or dealers in liquors or wholesale dealer in liquors,
or retail dealer or dealers in malt liquors, or wholesale dealer
or dealers in malt liquors (as the case may be) in Montgomery
county, for a period of time within such violation has occurred,
and to prove that he, she, it or they has or have registered
his, her, their or its business for said period as such dealer or
dealers with the collector of internal revenue for the district