him so that such case may be tried on its merits and the
purposes of justice subserved.
1910, ch. 294, sec. 6.
335. That said police justice shall be entitled to and receive
the fees now allowed by law to other justices of the peace for
issuing any warrant of arrest or summons'for witness, or for
hearings, trial, judgment and commitment, and shall also receive
and be allowed the same fees as other justices of the peace
in said county in civil actions, and shall be paid in the same
manner as other justices of the peace are paid.
Ibid. sec. 7.
336. That the said police justice shall at the first regular
meeting of the County Commissioners of Montgomery County
held in each month make a report in writing, verified under
oath, of all criminal cases heard or tried before him during
the preceding month, which report shall state in each case the
name of the defendant, the offence charged, the name of the
person upon whose complaint the warrant was issued, the num-
ber of witnesses summoned, the name of the officer serving the
warrant and summons, the judgment rendered, the amount of
fine or penalty imposed, the amount of costs taxed which shall
include all constable's or sheriff's fees, and the amount of fine
and costs collected by him, and shall at the time of making
his report pay over to the county commissioners all such fines,
costs, penalties and forfeitures enumerated in his said report
Ibid. sec. 8.
337. That the said police justice herein provided for shall
have in addition to the jurisdiction which other justices of the
peace possess, and upon which may be conferred upon all jus-
tices of the peace in said Montgomery county by or under the
laws of State jurisdiction concurrent with that exercised by the
Circuit Court for Montgomery County in all cases of assault
without felonious intent and in all cases of assualt and battery,
and in the following other misdemeanors, to wit: Cruelty to
animals, vagrancy, collection of tolls from funerals, drunken-
ness and disorderly conduct, disturbance of the public peace,
wrongfully opening or breaking the seal of any letter not
addressed to the party, selling deadly weapons to minors,
obscene publications, blasphemy, destroying bounded or boun-
dary trees, frand upon turnpike companies, all charges of viola-
tions of health laws, violation of laws relating to turnpike com-
panies, failing to keep a light reflected upon toll bars, trading
stamps and female sitters, selling of intoxicating liquors, gam-
bling, wife beating, desertion of wife or child, disorderly houses,