138 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 78]
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 28, 1912.
AN ACT to amend Article 23 of the Code of Public General
Laws of 1904, title "Corporations," by adding thereto a new
section, under the sub-title "Lost Certificates," as enacted by
section 42, Chapter 240 of the Acts of the General Assembly
of 1908, to be numbered 42A and to follow immediately after
section 42 aforesaid.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Code of Public General Laws, Article 23, title
"Corporations," be and the same is hereby amended by adding
thereto a new section under the sub-title "Lost Certificates," as
enacted by section 42, Chapter 240 of the Acts of the General
Assembly of 1908, to be numbered 42A, to follow immediately
after said section 42 and to read as follows:
42A. When a certificate of shares of the capital stock of any
corporation formed under the laws of this State, has heretofore
been or may hereafter be issued to a person as agent or trustee
and the stock ledger of such corporation does not disclose the
principal or cestui que trust, and said certificate has been lost
or destroyed and no person, except the administrator of the per-
son to whom the said certificate was issued as agent or trustee,
has made claim to it against said corporation for more than
thirty years, and the said corporation has been a going concern
for more than ten years during the aforesaid period of thirty
years, and has declared more than five dividends upon its cap-
ital stock during the last thirty years, and the said dividends
declared upon the shares of stock alleged to be lost or destroyed,
have not been paid to any person, and said agent or trustee the
holder of record of said certificate is dead, then and in such case
the administrator of the person to whom the alleged lost or
destroyed certificate was issued as agent or trustee as aforesaid,
and still being the holder of record of said certificate, shall after
ten days' written notice to said corporation, demanding the issu-
ance of a new certificate of stock to him as such administrator,
be entitled to receive such new certificate in the place of the one
alleged to be lost or destroyed in his name as administrator,
and said administrator shall also be entitled to receive all divi-
dends that may have been declared upon such certificate or
number of shares of stock alleged to be lost or destroyed and