2. The members of said commission shall hold office for four
years from the date of the passage of this act, and at the expira-
tion of their term of office or of the term of office of any future
commission, the Governor shall appoint their successors, and the
Governor shall likewise appoint to the unexpired term of any
commissioner whose office shall become vacant through death,
resignation or otherwise.
3. Said commission shall meet at such times and places in
Baltimore county as the commission shall determine, and the
members thereof shall be entitled to their reasonable expenses
for each meeting so attended. It shall select suitable offices for
its own use and may appoint a secretary, who shall serve dur-
ing the pleasure of said commission and who shall keep a
record of all of its proceedings, shall preserve all books, maps,
documents and papers entrusted to its care and perform such
other duties as the commission shall prescribe.
4. The salary of the secretary, the rental of offices and other
expenses of the commission shall be paid by the commission
out of the license fees hereinafter provided for, but such salary,
rental fees and other expenses shall in no event exceed the sum
of twelve hundred dollars ($1,200) a year, not more than nine
hundred dollars ($900) of which shall be paid for clerical and
legal services.
5. No person or persons, association or corporation shall here-
after hold or conduct any meeting in Baltimore county whereat
horse racing shall be permitted for any stake, purse or reward,
except corporations organized under the laws of the State of
Maryland prior to the passage of this act, for the purpose of
racing or developing or improving the breed of horses, or for
conducting agricultural or other exhibitions, or for conducting
county or other fairs, and except associations of regularly organ-
ized hunt clubs, which clubs shall have been organized prior to
the passage of this act.
6. Every such corporation or association desiring to conduct
racing in Baltimore county during any calendar year, shall
annually apply to the Baltimore County Racing Commission
for a license so to do. Such application shall be filed with the
secretary of the commission on or before the tenth day of April
of the year during which such dates are applied for, and shall
specify the days on which such racing is desired to be con-
ducted or held, and such application shall be otherwise in such
form and supply such data and information as said racing conv-
mission shall prescribe. Said Racing Commission shall there-
upon on or before the 15th day of April of each year award