a full, detailed and explicit statement of all moneys received by
him, and paid out by him (and no money can be paid out for
road or bridge work without the approval and sanction of the
County Road Engineer for Queen Anne's county), on the roads
and bridges as provided for by the terms of this act, which said
statement shall include the name of every person to whom
money was paid, for what purpose or purposes said money was
paid, and the amount of every such payment; and when the
County Commissioners of said county shall have received this
detailed, full and explicit report from the County Road Engi-
neer for Queen Anne county, then the said County Commission-
ers shall make a full, detailed and explicit statement of the
amount of bonds issued by them under this act, the time when-
such series was issued by them, and a full and detailed state-
ment of every amount of money received by them from the sale
of said bonds provided for by this act, and an account of every
amount of money paid out by them, which shall include the
name of every person to whom money was paid, for what pur-
pose or purposes said money was paid and the amount of every
such payment; and the said County Commissioners shall pub-
lish said full, explicit and detailed statement, as well as the
statement of the County Road Engineer for Queen Anne's
county, for one week in two newspapers printed and published
in Queen Anne's county; and all money used or to be used in
the improvements provided for by the terms of this act are to
be paid only by the County Treasurer of Queen Anne's county
out of the proceeds of the sale or sales of the said bonds as afore-
said, upon the warrant or warrants issued by the County Com-
missioners and signed by the President of said Board of County
Commissioners, who shall also countersign each and every check
of the said County Treasurer given for moneys arising from the
proceeds of the sale or sales of the bonds provided for by the-
terms of this act.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 11, 1912.
AN ACT to repeal Chapter 720 of the Acts of the General
Assembly of Maryland, passed at the January Session of
1910, title "Charles County," sub-title "La Plata," and to
re-enact the following in lieu thereof and to add a new sec-
tion thereto to be known as 116I.