1156 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 702]
charter of said town as the same may from time to time be
amended, for the purpose of paying the interest on said bonds,
and also for paying the principal thereof, and during the ten
years next following the date of issue of said bonds the Com-
missioners of Preston shall create a sinking fund for the pay-
ment of a portion of said bonds at the expiration of ten years
after the date of issue, and shall levy the necessary taxes there-
for ; but all taxes levied for payment of principal of said bonds
after ten years from date of issue of same shall be applied
directly to the payment of said principal.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the Commissioners of Pres-
ton shall levy, in addition to the tax herein provided for, an
additional tax of twenty cents per lineal front foot on all land
improved by buildings adjoining the streets, roads, lanes or
alleys where said system of sewers shall be laid; but if the
land be not improved by buildings or it be in a corner facing
two streets in which said sewer is laid, then a tax of ten
cents per lineal front foot shall be levied, and in case of land
unimproved by buildings an additional tax of ten cents per
lineal front foot shall be levied whenever such land shall be
improved by buildings.
SEC. Y. And be it enacted, That the Commissioners of Pres-
ton shall charge all persons using said sewers as follows: On
all private dwellings, the sum of four dollars per year; on all
public buildings, a sum to be fixed by the Commissioners of
Preston according to the amount of usage by the persons in
said building, but not to exceed the sum of ten dollars per
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the power to issue bonds
herein granted is conditional, and it is hereby provided that the
question of issuing said bonds shall be submitted to the qualified
voters of said Town of Preston at the regular town election to
be held on the first Monday in May, 1912. At said election
all voters desiring to vote on said question shall cast a ballot
on which shall be written or printed the words "For the Bond
Issue" or "Against the Bond Issue," as the voter shall desire;
and if a majority of the votes cast at said election shall be
"For the Bond Issue," the said Commissioners of Preston shall
issue and sell the bonds as herein directed; but if a majority
of the votes cast at said election shall be "Against the Bond
Issue," then said bonds shall not be issued. And the said
Commissioners of Preston shall cause this act to be published
in some newspaper published in said town at least one week
before such election.