trict and the Sixth Darnestown Election District of said
county and the public road beginning at the corporation lim-
its of the Town of Rockville known as and called "The Falls
Road," to the boundary line of the Tenth Election Potomac
District of said road in the Fourth Election Rockville Dis-
trict of said county; and to levy and collect taxes in said
Fourth Election. Rockville District and Sixth Election
Darnestown District of said county, for the payment of said
bonds and the coupons thereon, provided that on or before
the beginning of work on said roads, the County Commis-
sioners of Montgomery County shall be given satisfactory
assurance of a donation of the sum of five thousand dollars
to be applied by them for the purposes herein mentioned.
Said assurance and security for and the payment of said
donation of five thousand dollars, to be accepted only under
and by such terms and conditions as said County Commis-
sioners may prescribe, to insure the certain payment of said
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the County Commissioners of Montgomery County
be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue bonds
to the amount of thirty-five thousand dollars or so much thereof
as may be necessary for the purpose of building, improving and
relocating the public road beginning at Watts Branch, on the
Rockville and Darnestown Boad, to Travilah, by the way of
Magruder's Blacksmith Shop, and the Piney Meeting House
Road, in the Fourth Election Rockville District, and the Sixth
Darnestown Election District, in said county, and the public
road beginning at the corporation limits of the Town of Rock-
ville, on the road known as and called "The Falls Road" to the
boundary line of the Tenth Election Potomac District, in said
county, and to levy and collect taxes in the Fourth Election
Rockville District, and the Sixth Darnestown Election District,
of said county, for the payment of said bonds and coupons as
hereinafter stated, provided that on or before the beginning of
said work on said road or roads the payment of the sum of five
thousand dollars donation be guaranteed to the said County
Commissioners by such conditions and regulations as said Com-
missioners may prescribe and require for the sure and certain
payment of said sum of five thousand dollars to be donated to
the said County Commissioners of Montgomery County, to be