gate cases, of irregularly or violation of law, personally or by
an accredited representative, and all registrars shall aid him
upon request in such investigations. When he shall deem it
necessary he shall report cases of violation of any of the pro-
visions of this act to the prosecuting attorney of the county,
with a statement-of the facts and circumstances; and when any
such, case is reported to him by the State Registrar, the prose-
cuting attorney shall forthwith initiate and promptly follow
up the necessary Court proceedings against the person or cor-
poration responsible for the alleged violation of law.
And the State Registrar is further empowered to appoint,
designate or assign special counsel to assist in the prosecution
of violators or alleged violations of this act.
And should any county registrar, local registrar or deputy
local registrar refuse or neglect to execute his duties as pro-
vided in this act, the State Registrar may with the advice and
consent of the State Board of Health require him to vacate his
office and make a new appointment to fill the vacancy so created.
Any county registrar, local registrar, deputy local registrar or
State Registrar who shall communicate to any person not author-
ized to receive the same any of the personal or statistical facts
recorded on his registrar, shall be deemed guilty of misde-
meanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding
SEC. 19. That every physician, midwife and undertaker
shall, without delay, register his or her name, address and occu-
pation with the local registrar of the district in which he or she
resides, or may hereafter establish a residence; and shall there-
upon be supplied by the local registrar with a copy of this act,
together with such rules and regulations as may be prepared by
the State Board of Health relative to its enforcement. Within
thirty days after the close of each calender year each local reg-
istrar shall make a return to the state registrar of all physi-
cians, midwives or undertakers who have been registered in his
district during the whole or any part of the preceding calendar
year; provided that no fee or other compensation shall be
charged by local registrars to physicians, midwives or under-
takers for registering their names under this section or making
returns thereof to the State registrar.
That all superintendents or managers or other persons in
charge of hospitals, almshouses, lying-in or other institutions,
public or private, to which persons resort for treatment of dis-
eases are confined or are committed by process of law, are hereby
required to make record of all the personal and statistical par-