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Session Laws, 1912
Volume 370, Page 1138   View pdf image
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1138 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 696]

be verified, in case of dispute, by a certified copy of the original
certificate of birth or death from the State registrar.

SEC. 16. The county registrar shall receive for performing
the services required under this sub-title the following fees:

For each full record of birth or death twenty-five cents, to be
paid by the county upon warrant of the County Commissioners,
provided that any county where the County Health Officer or
Registrar receives a salary of $800.00 per annum or more, he
shall receive ten cents for each birth or death recorded in his
register, instead of twenty-five cents.

For a copy of the record of a birth or death, fifty cents,
together with a payment for time of search if over half an hour
at the rate of fifty cents an hour, to be paid by the person to
whom such copy is furnished.

The deputy local registrar shall receive for performing the
services required under this sub-title the following fees:

For each proper and correct certificate of death or birth deliv-
ered by him to the local registrar as provided in this act the sum
of twenty-five cents, to be paid by the county upon warrant of
the County Commissioners.

The local registrar shall receive for performing the service
required under this sub-title the following fees:

For each proper and correct record of birth or death, as pro-
vided in this act, except those transmitted to him by any deputy
local registrar, the sum of twenty-five cents to be paid by the
county upon warrant of the County Commissioners and in case
where such records are transmitted by the deputy local regis-
trar, such deputy local registrar shall receive such fee in his
stead. For each transcript of a birth or death as provided in
section 8 of this act to be transmitted to the county registrar
the local registrar shall receive the sum of ten cents to be paid
by the county upon warrant of the County Commissioners. The
State registrar shall certify to each county local and deputy
local registrar quarterly, or oftener, if it shall be considered
expedient, the number of properly executed certificates of births
and deaths received from each county local or deputy local regis-
trar for which fees are provided by this section for the year or
portion of a year included.

The State registrar shall certify on each certificate the
total amount owing to the person to whom such certificate is
issued, provided that the State registrar shall certify separately
the number of incomplete defectives or belated certificates and
for. such incomplete defective or belated certificates a fee shall
be certified equal to one-half the amount of compensation pro-


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Session Laws, 1912
Volume 370, Page 1138   View pdf image
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