fined for each, and every offense not less than one hundred dol-
lars ($100) and costs, and shall be confined in the county jail
until both fine and costs are paid or be confined in the county
jail for a period of six months or be both fined and imprison-
ment as herein provided in the discretion of the Court having
jurisdiction and hearing said cases.
Qualifications of The Commissioners Elect.
52. On the third Wednesday in July, following an election
for commissioners, the outgoing Mayor shall meet the newly
elected commissioners at the Council Hall and shall administer
to each of said the newly elected commissioners the oath
required by section 51 of this charter, and require each of said
commissioners to sign the test book. Should the outgoing
Mayor be one of the newly elected commissioners, the oath
shall be administered to him by some one of the outgoing com-
The Organization of the Board of Commissioners.
53. The newly elected commissioners, immediately upon
taking the oath of office shall organize, the outgoing Mayor pre-
siding, but having no vote, except in case of a tie, and elect one
of their number as Mayor of Cambridge for four years and
until his successor is elected and qualified. After which elec-
tion, the meeting shall adjourn until the following Friday.
Any vacancy in the office of Mayor shall be filled by an election
by the commissioners. If any person, who has been elected
commissioner shall fail to qualify, as prescribed by section 52
of this charter, he may appear before the Mayor attd qualify
at any time before 9 o'clock on the Friday nights following the
third Wednesday in July, in the year in which commissioners
are elected, but should any one, who has been elected a com-
missioner fail or refuse to qualify by 9 o'clock on the said
Friday night, his office shall be declared to be vacant, and a
new election shall be ordered to fill the vacancy as provided by
this charter. The Mayor, in addition to the duties required of
him heretofore by this charter, shall keep a test book, which
shall be signed by all persons who take an oath of any kind
before said Mayor, the said book shall also state the character
of the oath taken, that is, whether as an officer or a witness, and
if an officer, the title of the officer shall be stated.
The Town Clerk, Treasurer and Collector.
55. The commissioners shall appoint a clerk, treasurer and
collector, all of which offices shall be held by the same person