upon conviction shall be punished as provided under the Gen-
eral Laws of this State relating to registration, and said books
of registration shall at the close of each registration to be
turned over to the supervisors of election of Cecil county for
safe keeping, and shall by said supervisors be delivered to the
judges of any town election for the purpose of holding said
town election.
SEC. 132. On the first Monday in May, nineteen hundred
and twelve, and every two years thereafter, the duly registered
voters shall elect by ballot a president who shall serve for two
years from that date, and until his successor is duly elected
and qualified, and shall on said first Monday in May, nine-
teen hundred and twelve, elect four commissioners, the two
of said commissioners receiving the highest number of votes
cast at said election to serve for a term of two years, and until
their successors are duly elected and qualified, and the remain-
ing two commissioners to serve for a term of one year, and
until their successors are duly elected and qualified, and on
said third Monday in May in every year thereafter there shall
be elected two commisioners to serve for the term of two
years and until their successors are elected and qualified, and
no person shall be entitled to have his name placed on the
ballot or be voted for as a candidate for president or com-
missioners of said town who shall not have filed with the presi-
dent and town commissioners a certificate certifying for which
office he is a candidate, and that he is qualified under the pro-
visions of this act for such office at least ten days before the
date on which the election is to be held for the election of
such president or commissioner.
SEC. 132s. And be it enacted, That the provisions, prohibi-
tions and penalties prescribed in Chapter 122 of the Acts of
the General Assembly of Maryland of 1908, relating to corrupt
practices at general and primary elections, be and the same
are hereby declared to be applicable to all elections held by
virtue of the authority given in this article, and to be applicable
to the acts of all persons in connection with or relating to said
elections or any of them, so far as the same may or can be
Approved April 8, 1912.
AN ACT to amend the charter of The Grangers' Mutual Storm
Insurance Company of Carroll County, Maryland, by chang-
ing the name and extending the powers thereof.