Moreover, I hope this book will assist in locating lost
and/or elusive ancestors. The index contains 4,230 names which
included slaves and slave owners. The slave owner's name and the
date when the information was recorded is at the top of the page.
There are five columns: Name of Slaves, Sex, Age, Emancipated By
State of Maryland and Remarks. As in the original record, in
some instances there was more than one entry to a page.
The remarks column contains information that was listed in
the columns that were deleted from this study. The physical
condition of the slave and the term of servitude has been
omitted. The column Compensation Received has also been omitted.
This particular column refers to the Bounty offer to the slave
and slave owners by the State of Maryland during the Civil War.
In the remarks column one can find, in some cases, the actual
date of enlistment, the regiment and the manner in which
the departure of the slave took place.
The abbreviations found in the remarks column:
L-left with the military
E-enlisted in the military
The number in parenthesis in the remarks column
is the page number in the original records.
In anything copied there are bound to be some mistakes. I
have tried to be as accurate as possible. I advise the
researcher to check the original record whenever necessary. They
are located in the Maryland Hall of Records, Maryland State
Archives, Annapolis, Maryland.
Further, I wish to thank everyone who helped to make this
work possible.
Agnes Kane Callum
822 Bonaparte Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland, 21218
Phone: 1-410-235-6697