Federal Government solemnly pledged by the joint resolutions
aforesaid; and whereas, the General Assembly of Maryland by joint
resolutions passed by this present session has resolved that the
State of Maryland has a good, valid and just claim upon the
Government of the United States for reasonable and adequate
compensation for the said property, and that it ought not be
doubted that the Federal Government, when the passions excited by
the late unhappy civil war shall have subsided, will recognize
the justice of the said claims and faithfully perform her
manifest duty in regard to it, and further, that the General
Assembly ought to provided by law for taking and perpetuating the
evidence of the number and value of the persons held to labor
and service as aforesaid, by the loyal citizens of Maryland, and
so as aforesaid, discharged from such service and labor therefore
Governor to appoint commissioners of Slave Statistics
Section I, Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate and previous to adjournment of the present session, shall
appoint one person of suitable character and ability resident in
each county of the State, and one in! Baltimore City, who shall be
styled a Commissioner of slave statistics, and who before
entering upon the discharge of his duties hereinafter described
shall give bond in the sum of five thousand dollars to be
approved by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of each count, and of
the Superior Court of the city of Baltimore respectively, for the
faithful performance of his duties as such commissioner, and
subscribe to the following oath before the said Comptroller, viz:
I, __________ do solemnly swear or affirm, that I will
faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of Commissioner
of slave statistics to the best of my judgement and ability,
according to the laws of the State of Maryland, so help me God.
And any vacancy occurring by the death, resignation or other
cause, of any of the Commissioners so appointed, after the
adjournment of the Legislaturee, shall be filled by the Governor
of the State.
Commissioners to procure printed blank forms
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the Commissioners so. appointed
shall procure suitable printed blank forms or tabular statements,
which when properly filled up or made according to the provisions
of this Act, shall exhibit the names of the former owners of
slaves in their respective counties or districts at the time of
the adoption of the Constitution in the year eighteen hundred and
sixty-four, the names, number, age, sex and physical condition of
such slaves, whether they were slaves for life or for a term of
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