only a few of them had ever been examined since
they were filed away. And the available sketches
of judges are few and contain no helpful com-
ments on the court. Therefore the work of collect-
ing the material for even the sketch here presented
has been largely original, and considerable in
amount, and as it has all been done by a member
of the court it has been confined chiefly to court
vacations. In view of these facts the book, limited
in scope as it is, has seemed sufficient for a present
The citations will probably all be sufficiently
clear, except that it may be necessary to explain
that the "Archives" cited are the Archives of
Maryland, which are publications of historical
records of the provincial and state governments
prepared under the auspices of the Maryland His-
torical Society. A few statements which would
ordinarily be supported by references to sources
are left without citations because the information
is found in unpublished records or papers which
could not be described to any advantage in notes.
The original paging is used in citations of the
older reports.
The index has been contributed by Mr. Fred-
erick W. Brune of the Baltimore Bar.