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The Court of Appeals of Maryland, A History
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70 court of appeals of maryland

John Anderson v. Cupid Vaughan, filed December, 1772.
Same v. John Vaughan, filed December, 1772.
William Pellett, et. al. v. Robert Long's Lessee, filed May,

Raphael Thompson v. John Somerville, filed May, 1774.
John Hanson, Jr. v. Henry S. Hawkins, filed October, 1774.9
William Nutter, v. John Smith, filed February, 1775.
William Pellett, et. al. v. Wm. Lux's Lessee, filed February,


As has been noted previously, Pellett v. Robert
Long's Lessee had been dismissed at the May term,

1776. but the appellants were still pressing the

It is recorded in the minutes that the meeting
of October 3, 1780, and that of the May term,
1781, were held in the Revenue Office. It seems'
likely that there are written references somewhere
directly testifying to the location of the office of
that name, but searches made have failed to bring
any forth. Circumstantial evidence seems to fix
it clearly enough, however, in the southerly corner
of the second story of the State House,10 where the
court sat during the nineteenth century, and until
1903, and where tradition places it from its begin-
ning after the Revolution. Ridgely, the State Li-
brarian from 1827 to 1842, described11 the same


room as the established seat of the Court of Ap-
peals, and while he mentioned past changes in the
use of other rooms, mentioned none for that one;
and Ridgely had spent his life in Annapolis, and
must have been familiar with all the facts. And

8. 1 Harris & McHenry, 531.

9. Ibid, 523.

10. The State House presents its corners, not its faces, to the four
points of the compass.

11. David Ridgely, Annals of Annapolis, Annapolis 1841, 236.

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The Court of Appeals of Maryland, A History
Volume 368, Page 70   View pdf image (33K)
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