. . . PREFACE. . .
THE matter of the publication of the records of Maryland troops,
who fought for the preservation of the Federal Union during the
great Civil War from 1861 to 1865, was inaugurated by the sur-
vivors of that war, through their representative organization, the
Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Maryland. The
survivors of the Civil War and their descendants in the State of
Maryland had, for years, hoped that the example set by the other
States of the Union, in the compilation and publication of the records of their heroic
sons, would have been an incentive to the people of our State to dp likewise, as the
record of the gallantry of a part of our people would be the common heritage of all.
Over three decades had passed—in fact, a third of a century had rolled on since the
close of the greatest civil war history has recorded, and the archives of the State failed
to show the muster rolls of her sons, or even a brief record of their splendid achieve-
The1 survivors and their descendants believed that if anything was to be done in the
premises, it should be done at once; moreover, the times were propitious, much of the
bitterness and prejudice engendered by the Civil War had passed away, and only its
glories and substantial benefits remained.
The Committee on Legislation of the Department of Maryland, Grand Army of the
Republic, for the year 1895, had, through the courtesy of Governor Frank Brown and
Adjutant-General Douglas, carefully examined such of the muster rolls as were on file
in the office of the Adjutant-General of Maryland, and the members of the committee
were surprised at the incompleteness and paucity thereof. Not a single regiment or
battery was complete, and, in some cases, the muster rolls of entire regiments were miss-
ing. Consultations were had, whenever practicable, with the survivors of the different
regiments, batteries and companies of the commands accredited to the State of Mary-
land, and estimates were obtained from the War Department to cover missing data. A
bill was then drafted by the committee, and petition and exhibits were prepared. The
good offices of Governor Lowndes were asked for, and, upon the assembling of the new
Legislature for Maryland in January, 1896, the committee of the Grand Army of the
Republic appeared before committees of the Senate and House of Delegates of Mary-
land and urged action.
The matter was deemed non-partisan and patriotic, and prompt action was urged by
a number of distinguished Representatives in both Houses of the General Assembly,
especially by Colonel John R. Rouzer, of the House of Delegates, from Frederick County,
himself a gallant Union soldier of fine record,