thousand three hundred and sixteen (50,316) white troops, eight thousand seven hun-
dred and eighteen (8718) colored troops, and three thousand nine hundred and twenty-
five (3925) sailors and marines, or a grand total of sixty-two thousand nine hundred and
fifty-nine (62,959) men, nearly one-tenth of its entire population at the time thereof, or
over fifteen per cent, of its male population.
A perusal of the different regimental histories in this publication will show the
serious losses, in killed and wounded, suffered by the Maryland troops during the Civil
It is but proper to state that the histories of the Maryland troops would not be com-
plete without mention of the War Governors of Maryland, viz., the Hon. Thomas Holi-
day Hicks and the Hon. Augustus W. Bradford, who manifested much interest in the
enlistment, organization and service of the Maryland troops. Governor Bradford paid
frequent visits to the troops in the field, with a view to their betterment and efficiency,
and was prompt to recognize efficiency, zeal and gallantry by promotions, etc., when
in his power to do so.
The history and record of the Maryland soldiers and sailors who fought for the
Union in the great Civil War is one of which every Marylander, no matter what his
opinion past or present may have been, should feel a just pride.
Let it teach a lesson to posterity of patriotism, self-sacrifice and devotion to duty,
as seen by their fathers, and may future generations be as ready and willing to respond
to the call of duty and patriotism when the Nation and State demand, remembering at
all times ''that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty."