with such a bloody repulse, and with ringing cheers, led by General Meade in person,
aided in the final repulse of General Longstreet's Corps.
Returning to the right of the line, they found their rifle pits on the 3d of July, 1863,
in the hands of the enemy, from which they were driven after a severe fight. The 1st
Regiment Potomac Home Brigade Infantry found themselves pitted against the 1st
Maryland Infantry (Confederate) as an incident of the battle on this part of the line.
The loss of the First Regiment Potomac Home Brigade Infantry in this battle
was severe.
After the battle of Gettysburg, the 1st Regiment Potomac Home Brigade Infantry
marched with the Army of the Potomac to the Potomac river, where they again resumed
guard duty on the line of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in Maryland and Virginia.
At the time of the invasion of Maryland by General Early's Confederate Army in
July, 1864, the 1st Regiment Potomac Home Brigade Infantry performed active and effi-
cient service, and a portion of the regiment took a conspicuous part in the battle of
Monocacy July 9, 1864.
Upon the expiration of the terms of service of the original men, they were mustered
out of service from August to December, 1864, except the veterans and recruits. The
command was recruited up to a full regiment of infantry and the designation changed to
the 13th Regiment Infantry Maryland Volunteers, April 8, 1865.
The casualties in the 1st Regiment Potomac Home Brigade Infantry were as follows,
viz.: Killed in battle, three (3) commissioned officers and forty-two (42) enlisted men—
total, forty-five (45). Died of disease, wounds, etc., one (1) commissioned officer and
eighty-five (85) enlisted men; aggregate death list, one hundred and thirty-one (131).
The 1st Regiment of Infantry Potomac Home Brigade participated in the following
engagements, viz.: Skirmish at Louden Heights, Va., May 27, 1862; skirmish a/t Pools-
vine, Md., September 5, 1862; skirmish at Monocacy Aqueduct, September 4, 1862;
action at Maryland Heights, September 13, 1862; defense of Harper's Ferry, Va., Sep-
tember 14-15, 1862; battle of Gettysburg, July 2-3, 1863; skirmish at Duffield Station,
Va., June 29, 1864; battle of Monocacy, Md,, July 9, 1864.