commanding position at Centerville. Bull Run was crossed at Blackburn's Ford at
noon, and the Heights of Centerville were gained two and a-half hours later, just half an
hour ahead (so the rumor went) of Lee's advance. Marching over the old Bull Run
battle ground, the solid earth quaked and shuddered, and the air throbbed with the
sound of cannonading from Bristoe in rear, and from Thoroughfare Gap on left front.
At about four P. M. the firing from Bristoe reached its climax and continued until
after dark, the flash of each gun being plainly seen from Centerville Heights, and the
firing becoming both more distant and desultory until about eight o'clock, when it ceased.
This was shortly afterwards understood to mean a gallant and successful fight of the
second corps under Warren, with A. P. Hill's corps, which was defeated, with the loss of
five guns and four hundred and fifty prisoners.
The next day the division was drawn back to a point near Chantilly and thrown in
(as was said) between the other divisions of the first corps and the sixth. Here the men
were again put into a state of expectancy by a very lively fusilade and some cannon-
ading south and southwest. Two hours later this firing grew more distant, and bore
more to the west. The cause was not explained. Probably another cavalry reconnoisance.
Lee's Retreat.
After being countermarched to Centerville early on the 19th of October, 1863, the
1st corps marched south, in pursuit of Lee's now retreating army, crossed Bull Run at
the Stone Bridge, heard heavy firing directly in front, formed column of brigades on a
ridge upon the other side of Bull Run, and loaded. The corps then resumed its march
over the ground of the first and second Bull Run battles, and about 3 P. M. went into
camp at or near a burnt out village named Haymarket.
Skirmish, at Haymarket.
The whole Seventh Regiment was then ordered to picket the front from the Leesburg
pike on the right to the Thoroughfare Gap pike on the left, with a strong post well ad-
vanced on each road, a mile and a-half in front of Haymarket. Before the posting had
been completed, a lively skirmish suddenly commenced between the advanced post on
the left and Stuart's cavalry.
It appeared that during the cavalry fight at Buckland Mills, Kilpatrick had thrown
one of his brigades (Davies') forward into a bad position, where it was confronted
by Stuart, outflanked by Fitzhugh Lee, and routed. It was hotly pursued, and in
steeple chase style dashed through the picket line of the Seventh Maryland. The small
outpost on the Gap road promptly opened fire and brought the foremost riders to a stand.
But being rapidly reinforced every moment, they soon displayed a front which threat-
ened the capture of the entire outpost, several of whom had fallen. Captain Makechney
then fell back with his little command before the cautious advance of the enemy for some
two hundred yards, when he was met by Colonel Webster and posted by him on the
picket line, which had retained its position, and now again opened fire upon the advanc-
ing force, which was again brought to a stand. In the meantime the delay afforded by
the check had enabled a battery of horse artillery with Davies' brigade to get into posi-
tion on a ridge in rear of our picket line, and the battery was promptly supported by the
143d Pennsylvania, under Colonel Dana, moved up by order of General Kenly. After a