THE Fourth Regiment of Infantry, Maryland Volunteers, was organ-
ized at Baltimore, Md., in July and August, 1862, with the excep-
tion of Company E, which was recruited io Carroll County, Md.
The regiment consisted of nine companies, viz., Companies A, B,
C, D, E, F, G, H and I. The regiment was recruited for three
years. The Fourth Regiment was assigned to the celebrated Mary-
land Brigade of Infantry, commanded by General John R. Kenly.
The regiment was hurried to the field, September 18, 1862, before it was fully com-
pleted, for the purpose of reinforcing the Army of the Potomac, under General McClel-
lan, then on the Antietam.
The history of the Fourth Regiment from September, 1862, to the date of its muster
out, May 31, 1865, formed a conspicuous part of the history of the Maryland Brigade.
Upon the arrival of the Fourth Regiment with the Maryland Brigade, near Wil-
iamsport, Md., they assisted in expelling the enemy from Maryland.
Governor Curtain, of Pennsylvania, who had accompanied the hastily summoned
. Pennsylvania militia to the front, complimented the Maryland Brigade for their prompt
action in relieving his hastily levied raw and undisciplined troops, and in promptly
attacking the enemy.
The Fourth Regiment of Infantry, with the Maryland Brigade, after the Army of
the Potomac crossed the Potomac into Virginia, occupied Maryland Heights, opposite
Harper's Ferry, Va., and went into winter quarters in December, 1862.
In April, 1863, the Fourth Regiment, with the Maryland Brigade, left Harper's
Ferry and proceeded to West Virginia to repel the raids made by Imboden and Jones'
Brigades of Confederate Cavalry, who attempted to capture the large depots of supplies
gathered for the use of the Federal armies. After a short campaign in West Virginia,
the brigade re-embarked by rail for Harper's Ferry.
The valued services of the Maryland Brigade in this campaign evoked a complimen-
tary letter to General John R. Kenly, commanding brigade, from General B. F. Kelly,
commanding First Division, Eighth Army Corps, of which the following is an extract:
"When the rebel generals, Jones and Imboden, in April last, threatened to over-
run the entire State of West Virginia, your prompt movement, under orders to the
support of General Roberts at Clarksburg, alone saved from destruction much valuable
public property, as well as that of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Your services
afterwards, in aiding to drive the enemy from the State, were not less valuable and
deserve great praise."
On the 30th day of June, 1863, the Fourth Regiment, with the Maryland Brigade,
marched to Frederick City, Md., and formed a part of General French's Division, with