General Obligation Bonds Principal Outstanding
Ratio of Bonded Debt to Value of Taxable Property
1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Ratio of Debt to Assessed Value Ratio of Debt to Estimated Market Value
Source. The Forty-seventh through Fifty-sixth Report of the State Department of Assessments and Taxation
Additionally, outstanding limited obligation bonds of the Department of Transportation and the Maryland
Transportation Authority amounted to $729,820,000 and $318,674,000 respectively, at June 30, 2000. The State
is also ultimately responsible to pay certain debt of two of its component units via capital leases with these
component units. As of June 30, 2000, the outstanding capital lease balance was $302,848,000. Debt service on
the Department of Transportation bonds is provided principally by excise taxes levied by statute. Debt service on
the Maryland Transportation Authority is payable from revenues of Authority projects. Self-supporting revenue
bonds outstanding at June 30, 2000, amounted to $3,756,240,000. This represents an increase of $110,167,000
from the prior year. As of June 30, 2000, long-term obligations for accrued annual leave of $182,918,000
represent the value of accumulated earned but unused annual leave in the general long term debt account group.
The general long term obligations for unpaid self-insurance claims totaled $145,216,000.
Introductory Section