How will this help people?
During fiscal year 2000, the Comptroller's Office adopted a new
logo and slogan that reflect the cornerstone of Comptroller William Donald
Schaefer's public career - Serving the People.
In the Comptroller's Office, "serving
the people" is not just a slogan but a phi-
losophy of government, and the, outcome
of each agency program must ultimately
help answer the question, "How will this
help people?"
Throughout the fiscal year, die Comp-
troller's Office helped people directly by
enhancing traditional and electronic cus-
tomer services as well as through a new and
exciting community outreach program.
The comptroller started or expanded pro-
grams to ensure tax equity for Maryland
individuals and businesses and to enforce
laws protecting public safety and tax rev-
enues. Yet other initiatives help people
through cooperation with businesses and
local governments.
This section of the Comprehensive
Annual Financial Report takes a closer
look at initiatives both within and outside
of the agency's traditional functions that
meet the test of helping people.
Comptroller William Donald Schaefer
Serving the People