BWI Airport: Engine of Recovery
One of Maryland's economic engines helping to lead the recovery is the Baltimore-
Washington International Airport in Anne Arundel County. BWI plays a key role in
Maryland's economy and infrastructure as a major international air carrier airport and an air
travel center serving one of the fastest growing economic centers in America.
Air service provided by
BWI touches nearly every facet
of Maryland commerce - from
business travellers to tourists
to shippers of seafood, critical
medical supplies and a host of other
cargo. More than 30 carriers provide nearly
650 daily flights for 11 million passengers yearly.
The airport also ranks as the air cargo leader in the
Baltimore-Washington, D.C. region. BWI airport is sup-
ported by an extensive highway system, thriving business and
educational communities and close proximity to the Port of Baltimore.
Owned and operated for the state by the State Aviation Administration of
the Maryland Department of Transportation, BWI generates an economic impact of
nearly $2.5 billion in Maryland.
BWI has attracted new airlines and more passengers. During fiscal year 1994,
11,232,582 passengers traveled through BWI, 27% more than the previous fiscal year.
Revenues rose dramatically as well, largely due to the addition of Southwest Airlines and
increased service by Continental, USAir and other carriers.
"Maryland's (triple-A) rating
reflects the state's broad-based
economy, high wealth and
income levels..."
Standard & Poor's,
May 13, 1994