STATEMENT A—5—Continued
YEAR 1968
YEAR 1968
July 1, 1967
June 30, 1968
Airport Development Program and
Construction Loan of 1964
Salisbury-Wicomico County Airport I
$ 56,602 09
$ 1,698 06
$ 1 698 06
$ 2,253 5o
$ 1,698 06
$ 3,951 61
$ 54.348 54
Salisbury- Wicomico County Airport II
45,250 00
1,357 50
I,3o7 50
1,684 01
1,357 50
3 041 51
43,565 99
Cumberland Municipal Airport
64,025 16
1 920 75
1,920 75
2,549 09
1,920 75
4,469 84
61,476 07
Total — Airport Development
Program and Construction Loan
of 1964
$ 165,877 2o
$ 4,976 31
$ 4,976 81
$ 6,486 65
$ 4,976 31
$11,462 96
$ 159,390 60
Area Redevelopment Act of 1962
Airpax Electronics, Inc
$ 49,918 77
$ 2,246 34
$ 2,246 34
$ 2,246 34
$ 2,246 34
$ 49,918 77
Arnold Graphic Industries, Inc
47,000 00
$ I,0o7 50
1,233 75
2,291 25
1,238 75
1,233 75
48,057 50
Custom Pet Food Packers, Inc
37,896 25
11,785 00
49,681 25
Chesapeake Clamchip Corp
19,338 63
7,063 16
7,063 16
26,401 69
Bishop Transport Products Corp
8,180 00
8,180 00
Adjustment to be applied 1968-69
23 53
23 53
21 53
Total — Area Redevelopment Act
of 1962
$ 162,333 55
$ 19,900 66
$ 3,503 62
$ 23,409 28
$ 3,480 09
$ 3,480 09
$ 182,262 74
Hospital Construction Loan of 1964
St. Joseph's Hospital, Baltimore
$ 7,500,000 00
$ 297,900 00
$ 297,900 00
$ 135,820 75
$ 297,900 00
$ 438,72o 7o
$ 7,364,174 25
Frederick Memorial Hospital
1,287,997 50
$ 643,998 75
64,968 01
708,966 76
64,968 01
64,968 01
1,931,996 2o
South Baltimore General Hospital
2,125,000 00
5,075,000 00
168,256 65
5,243,256 65
168,256 65
168,256 65
7,200,000 00
Washington County Hospital, Hagerstown
1,875,000 00
74,475 00
74,476 00
74,475 00
74,475 00
1,875,000 00
Greater Baltimore Medical Center
7,000,000 00
230,275 04
230,275 04
87,052 29
230,275 04
317,827 33
8,912,947 71
Church Home and Hospital, Baltimore
985,000 00
985,000 00
985,000 00
Easton Memorial Hospital, Easton
625,000 00
625,000 00
625,000 00
Suburban Hospital Aasoc , Bethesda
1,800,000 00
1,800,000 00
1,800,000 00
Total — Hospital Construction
Loan of 1964
$19,787,997 50
$9,128,998 75
$ 835,874 70
$ 9,964,873 45
I 222,878 04
$ 835,874 70
$ 1,058 752 74
New Marsh Wholesale Produce Market
Authority Loan of 1957
$ 544,214 79
$ 132,66:8 00
$ 132 66^ 00
$ 00 402 39
$ 50 402 39
$ 626,477 40
Advances for Capital Improvements
Baltimore County
$ 16D.974 28
$ 160,974 28
City of Salisbury
16,541 39
16,541 39
Town of Northeast
23,033 38
23,033 38
Total — Advances for Capital
$ 205,549 00
$ 205,549 05
$169,809,972 91
$37,391,569 41
$ 6,494,678 87
$12,746,764 22
$ 6,494,655 34
$19,241,419 56
$194,454,801 63
In connection with the General Public School Construction Loans, the Attorney General has advised
1 That participating counties do not become a debtor of the State of Maryland by reason of their participation m the State School Construction Program after July 1, 1958, since Chapter 86 "Laws
of 1958" expressly provides that "The indebtedness of any county shall not be considered to be increased by reason of the receipts by said county after January 1, 1958, of money from par-
ticipation by such political subdivisions in the General Public School Construction Loan of 1966 authorized by Chapter 80 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1966. or any similar act passed or to be
hereafter passed "
2 The participating counties are not obliged to levy taxes in rate and amount sufficient to repay the principal and interest on funds received by it from the State as a result of its participation in
the State School Construction Program, since Chapter 86 expressly provides that "No County shall be required to levy ad valorem taxes upon its taxable basis for the purpose of repaying to the State
any such money received during the calendar year 1958 or any subsequent year, or the interest or carrying charges with respect to such money, by said counties "
3 It is not necessary for the county to include in its schedule the "bonded debtedness" amounts received by it after January 1, 1958, from the State School Construction Program since there are no
bonds issued by the county in connection with the funds received, the Chapter 86, as above set forth specifically provides that the indebtedness of any county shall not be considered to be increased by
reason of its receipts after January 1, 1958 of such funds