Appropriations—general funds—fiscal year 1945.. :$26,876,430.00
Less estimated; reversions.................................. 475,000.00
Net general fund appropriations......... $26,401,430.00
The Bonded Debtof. the, State at June 30th,1944, was
$29,468,000.00. This amount represents the par value of bonds issued
in the past which it will be necessary to redeem in the future on the
dates on which the bonds become due. A summary showing the
maturity of this debt by years and the amounts which will be re-
quired each year for'maturing debt and interest will be found at the
end of Statement "U".
The Annuity Bond, Fund is an account maintained for servicing
the bonded' debt. The real and personal property taxes and inher-
itance taxes collected for use in paying the interest oh and redeem-
ing the debt are entered in that account and out of such taxes the
interest and redemptions are paid. At the close of the year June 30th,
1944, the balance of taxes remaining in the account was
$3,065,548.56. Statement " G" gives complete details as to balance
at beginning of year, receipts and disbursements during the year
and the balance at end of the year.
Additional Compensation to Baltimore City and County School
Teachers and State Employees. At the 1943 Session you appro-
priated money to be paid to Baltimore City and the Counties to be
used by them to supplement salaries of their school teachers. At the
same time you appropriated money to be used to supplement salaries
of State employees; and at the Special Session held in March, 1944,
you made further appropriations for the same purposes. The
amounts disbursed for these purposes to June 30th, 1944, are as
To Baltimore City and Counties $1,869,100.66
To State employees........................ 810,462.04
Total............................................... $2,679,562.70
The amounts available for payment subsequent to June 30th, 1944,
being estimated, are as follows:
To Baltimore City and Counties $1,530,000.00
To State employees........................ 637,157.19
Total.............................................. $2,167,157.19
Standard Salary Law. The Standard Salary Board, which came
into existence as the result of the passage of Chapter 395 of the