General Fund Appropriation for Fiscal Year 1943........................... $252,353.00
Less General Fund Disbursements............................................................... $234,343.53
Reversion.................................................................................................. 5,981.49 240,325.02
General Fund Appropriation Balance June 30, 1943........................................................... $12,027.98
To Whom Paid
Nature of Services
Amount Paid
Frank J. Bauer.............. . ....
...............Senator .......................................
.................. $ 640.00
Stephen P. Campbell, Jr.............
Wilmer C. Carter............................
.................. 590.00
............... 540.00
E. Milton Altfeld............
.................. 540.00
Joseph R. Bymes................ ...
George W. Delia............................
.................. 690.00
Robert B. Kimble ...
............ 655.00
Wilbur R. Dulin............
James J. Lindsay.......................
.............. 544.00
J. Frank Parran.......................... ...
............... 625.00
Wilmer Fell Davis.........
.................. 599.00
A. Earl Shipley .............
............... 565.00
James W. Hughes........................
.................. 561.00
Joseph A. Wilmer. . . .
.................. 573.00
Earl Bennett..............
....... ......,- 665.00*.
John B. Funk...................
Bernard I. Gonder................
J. Wilmer Cronin..........
.................. 652.00
Joshua N. Warfield, Jr..
.................. 543.00
Arthur H. Brice..............
..............President of Senate.................
............... 701.50
Clarence Newsome...............
Thomas E. Hampton . .
......... 651.00
L. Harold Sothoron ....
................... 550.00
Joseph M. George....................
Horace H. Bowling........................
L. Elwood Dize............
....... 617.00
A. Raymond Marvel....... . ..
.............. 611.00
Alien I. Myers.......................
................... 574.00
Robert Fulton Waller....................
.. .......... 661.00
Thomas F. Johnson........
................ 619.00
John T. Booth................ . .
................... 540.00
Chester G. Kosakowski......... ..
............. 540.00
Edward R. Milanicz
William I. N orris, Jr.....
......... 540.00
Thomas Siemek.........
. _ ........... 640.00
John M. Weber.............. . . .
............. 540.00
Joseph V. Cain ..............................
................... 540.00
John B. Con way .
Anthony F. DiDomenico............
......... 540.00
Frank J. Hirt........
.. ............ 540.00
Leo F. Ritter................... . .....
........ 590.00
Ben Weintraub
........ 540.00
J. Raymond Buffington. Jr...........
Thomas F. Dempsey................. .
.. .... 640.00
James E. Kearns .
................... 640.00
Thomas F. McNulty.... ......
.......... 540.00
Helen C. Tingley........ .
....... 540.00
J. Harry West............................
............ 540.00
Irvin A. Adler
................... 540.00
Bernard S. Melnicove........................
.......... 640.00
S. Pete Pollack..........
............ 540.00
Jerome Robinson........... .. .
............. 540.00
Leon A. Rubinstein
................. 640.00
Albert L. Sklar........
........ 640.00
Charles F. Argabright .
............ 540.00
Charles M. Bandiere.....
_........... 540.00
Bertram L. Boone, !!..._ . .
Thomas E. Conlon.......... .......
.... 965.00
John C. Luber..._
........ 590.00
John H. Reed.......
......... 540.00
Henry T. Baynes..... _
Charles C. Griffin.........
Henry D. Grube............
........... " ........................