Memorial Hospital at Easton, Maryland, Inc
15,345 00
Memorial Hospital — Cumberland
19,800 00
Montgomery County General Hospital, Inc — Olney
7,425 00
Peninsula General Hospital — Salisbury
24,750 00
Physicians' Memorial Hospital — La Plata
2,722 00
St Mary's Hospital — Leonardtown
3,465 00
Union Hospital of Cecil County — Elkton
7,920 00
Washington County Hospital — Hagerstown
11,880 00
Public, Private Hospitals and Dispensaries
Home for Incurables of Baltimore City
8,910 00
Hospital for Consumptives of Maryland — Eudowood
51,480 00
Maryland Tuberculosis Association, Inc
4,950 00
Southern Hospital and Home
1,980 00
County Commissioners of Garrett County
5,940 00
County Commissioners of Montgomery County
County Commissioners of Prince George's County
4,950 00
7 920 00
Mt Pleasant Sanatorium — Reisterstown
15,840 00
Maryland League for Crippled Children, Inc
5,940 00
Nursery and Child Study Home of Maryland, Inc
7,425 00
Peninsula Horticultural Society
Silver Cross Home — Port Deposit
1,485 00
Star-Spangled Banner Flag House Association
Sylvan Retreat — Cumberland
7,920 00
Reform and Correctional Institutions
House of the Good Shepherd for White Girls
6,930 00
House of the Good Shepherd for Colored Girls
2,970 00
Prisoners Aid Association of Maryland
4,950 00
St Mary's Industrial School
64,350 00
Colleges, Academies, and Schools
Blue Ridge College — New Windsor
3,960 00
Charlotte Hall School— Charlotte Hall
8 910 00
Johns Hopkins University
94,050 00
McDonogh School for Boys — McDonogh
Maryland Institute
16,335 00
St John s College — Annapolis
62,370 00
Washington College — Chestertown
57,915 00
West Nottingham Academy — Colora
Western Maryland College — Westminster
54,450 00
State Fund for Services to Crippled Children
Account of Appropriation to
State Department of Health
53,460 00
Total Disbursements
$1,241,513 50
Reverted to State Treasury
General Fund 1% Deduction
$ 12,545 00
Jewish Family and Children's Bureau.
Total Reversions
$ 12,936 50
$1,254,450 00