I recommend that all Justices of the Peace be bonded and
that they account to the Comptroller direct for all fees, fines
or other receipts of their office to which the State is entitled;
also, that regular audits be made of the accounts of Justices
of the Peace as is the case of other officials of the State.
I advocate the passage of an Act requiring the bonds of all
State officials, accountable to the State for fees, fines and other
revenues, including Justices of the Peace, to be filed in the
office of the State Comptroller, so that a complete record of
the bonds given by all such officials will be on file at a central
point. I recommend, also, that the surety for such bonds be
a corporation authorized to write such bonds in this State and
that the bonds bear the approval of the Attorney General as
to legal sufficiency before being filed.
We have given close study and thought to the proper
administration of the Reorganization Bill, and from our obser-
vation, much good is resulting from that legislation. The
Comptroller, as head of the Division of Financial Review and
Control, has assumed direction and supervision over the
several departments assigned to that Division, and, through
the co-operation of the heads of those departments, a much
more effective administration is expected.
More and more it is becoming the custom of the various de-
partments to send their accounts payable to the Comptroller's
Office for payment. Payments are being made promptly and
direct. We are in thorough accord with this system of State
disbursements and are working toward a more centralized.
system, and advocate that, eventually, the payment of all
accounts be made through this.office. All departments, com-
missions, etc., where practical, are making monthly settle-
ments with this office, thereby bringing funds into the State
Treasury much more promptly than has been experienced in
the past. When this system shall have been perfected, it is
our belief that all funds due the State will be forthcoming in
a prompt, businesslike manner.
I wish to take this opportunity to express our thorough
accord with, and our advocacy of, such steps as will bring
about more co-operation between the various State depart-
ments and the elimination of all unnecessary labor and ex-
pense, in an endeavor to reduce to a minimum the cost of State
government. T advocate practical economy in every possible
way, with the idea in mind of keeping the tax rate at the low-
est possible figure, consistent with an efficient state of affairs.
I am particularly in accord with that idea of the Reorganiza-