The State is now facing a deficit of $1,446,555.81 in its general
revenues on September 30th, 1915, as follows:
Total cash in banks and Treasury............................... $1,603,286 81
Deduct cash due to sinking funds............................... 756,384 36
Remainder of Cash.................................. 846,900 96
Public School Tax Fund ............................
$819,236 20
Road repair food (proceeds of special tax) ............
51,342 35
Motor vehicle Licenses Fund ......................
33,356 89
Loan Funds (proceeds of bonds) ....................
82,986 02
State Accident Fund ..............................
32,081 06
Fund for Indigent Blind ...........................
14,375 00
Tobacco Warehouse Fund .......................
18,102 88
Oyster Fund .....................................
8,988 27
Maryland Agricultural College Loan Tsz.............
8,474 85
Common Free School Fund ..........................
3,572 50
Preservation of Natural Oyster Bars Fund .............
486 53
Special Roads Fund ...............................
486 52
Counties Funds ..................................
245 00
$1,018,769 07
Deflciencv of Oanh (to meet "dedicated" funds) ........
1171,868 11
Unpaid balances of appropriations for State and private hos-
pitals, institutions, universities and other purposes, as follows:
Balances due to State Hospitals aud Training Schools...
$221,500 00
Private Hospitals, Homes, etc . . . . . .............
327,726 00
Universities, Schools, etc . ........ ........
287,243 00
Reform Schools, etc . . . . .... ... ......... ....
75,250 00
State Departments, Offices, etc ......................
362,969 70
Total Balances Carried Forward to the New Year (not paid) .$1,274,687 70
Total Deficiency of Each in Comparison with Liabilities and Obligations$l,446,555 81
After a very careful estimate of the receipts and expenses for
the fiscal year ending September -SOth, 1915, see Statements "C"
and " D," this deficit will be further increased by $80,424.00. If
the General Assembly shall pass special bills carrying appropri-
ations in excess of the estimate made in Statement ''D,'' payable
during the fiscal year ending September 30th, 1916, it necessari-
ly follows that the shortage will be increased to that extent. How
important it therefore becomes, that the State's expenses shall
he kept within its resources.
The question naturally arises what is the best method of tak-
ing care of the same. I take for granted the General Assembly
having made in good faith, although, unintentionally, excess ap-
propriations, and the beneficiaries thereunder, both State and
private, relying absolutely upon the ability of the State to honor