Custodian of Works of Reference .....................
637 of 1912.........
Consolidated Loan of 1913 —
Expenses ...........................................
749 of 1912.........
69 70
Annapolis Armory and Convention Hall ...............
19,416 20
Frederick Armory ..................................
19,416 20
Maryland Tuberculosis Sanatorium....................
48,540 50
Maryland House of Correction ........................
50,190 62
Old Government Post Road ...........................
19,416 20
Salisbury Armory ...................................
14,562 15
State Forest Reserve .........................
24,270 25
195,881 82
Colleges, Academies and Schools — Amounts Paid to:
Allegany County — Academic Fund ana Allegany County
Academy ........................................
Res. 34 of 1831 and Chap. 128
of 1864 ..................
$1,200 00
Anne Arundel County — Academic Fund and Anne Arun-
del County Academy...............................
Chaps. 286 of 1856 and 429 of
1882 .....................
1,200 00
Baltimore County — Academic Fund ...................
Res. 34 of 1831 and Chap. 128
of 1864 ..................
1,200 00
Calvert County — Academic Fund .....................
Chaps. 105 of 1854 and 128 of
1864 .....................
1,200 00
Caroline County — Academic Fund and Greensboro High
School ..........................................
Res. 34 of 1831 and Chaps. 128
of 1864 and 430 of 1906....
1,700 00
Carroll County — Academic Fund .....................
Chapter 279 of 1890 ..........
200 00
Cecil County — Elkton and West Nottingham Academies
88 of 1870..........
1,000 00
Charles County — Academic Fund .....................
128 of 1864..........
400 00
Dorchester County — Vienna, East New Market and Cam-
bridge Academies and Cambridge Female Seminary . .
Res. 34 of 1831 and Chaps. 201
of 1858 and 339 of 1878.....
1,350 00
Frederick County — Frederick County College and St.
John's Literary Institute .........................
Res. 1 of 1832 and Chaps. 35 of
1840 and 107 of 1798.......
1,200 00
Carried Forward ..........................
$10,650 00
$506,883 51