Showing the Funded Debt of the State as of the 30th Day of September, 1914.
Amt. of Loans
For What Account
3 per cent. State Building and Improvement Loan, per
Chapter 607 of 1900 ...............................
$ 500,000 00
July 1, 1915
Public Buildings
3 per cent. State Loan of 1902, per Chapter 200 of 1902 . .
600,000 00
July 1, 1917
Public Buildings
3.50 per cent. Public Buildings Loan, per Chapter 228 of
1904 ............................................
1,618,000 00
July 1, 1919
Public Buildings
3.50 per cent. State Roads Loan, per Chapter 141 of 1908,
($4,990,000 00)
Series "A " ..................................
500,000 00
Aug. 1,1923
State Roads
Series "B" ...................................
1,000,000 00
Feb. 1, 1924
Series "C" ...................................
1,000,000 00
Feb. 1, 1925
Series "D" ..................................
1,000,000 00
Feb. 1, 1926
Series "E" ...................................
990,000 00,
Feb. 1,1927
Series "F" ...................................
500,000 00
Feb. 1, 1928
1 per cent. Public Highways Loan of 1910, per Chapter 116
of 1910, ($1,000,000 00)
Series "A" ..................................
250,000 00
Jan. 1, 1926
Public Highways
Series "B" ...................................
250,000 00
Jan. 1, 1927
Series "C" ...................................
250,000 00
Jan. 1, 1928
Series "D" ..................................
250,000 00
Jan. 1, 1929
4 per cent. State Insane Hospital Loan, per Chapter 250
of 1910:
Series "A" ...................................
300,000 00
Jan. 1, 1926
State Hospitals
Series "B" ...................................
300,000 00
July 1, 1926
3.50 per cent. Sanatorium Loan, per Chapter 411 of 1910. .
40,000 00
Jan. 1, 1926
Tuberculosis Sanatorium
4 per cent. State Loan of 1912, per Chapter 370 of 1912
($3,170,000 00)
Series "A" ....................................
500,000 00
Aug. 1, 1927
State Roads
Carried Forward ...........................
$9,848,000 00