Miss Edna Oldfield ......
Clerk to Temperance Committee .........
Harford ..........
477 00
A. S. Tipton ............
Doorkeeper to Temperance Committee ....
177 00
Beauregard Ingle .......
300 00
Miss Myrtle Armstrong. .
Stenographer to Cora, on Printing, Roads
and Highways ......................
Cecil .............
486 00
Miss Katherine McGrath.
Stenographer to Com. on Insurance, Loans
and Elections ......................
Baltimore City ....
465 00
Charles P. Harrison .....
Doorkeeper to Com. on Insurance, Loans
and Elections .......................
Talbot ...........
536 00
Charles W. Crook .......
Clerk to Corporations Committee .........
Howard ..........
468 00
Lewis Hecht ...........
Messenger to Finance Committee ........
Baltimore City ....
565 00
John T. Smith ..........
Doorkeeper to City Senators .............
465 00
William E. Bauer .......
Stenographer to Com. on Education ......
465 00
Albert Goodman ........
Calender Clerk .........................
465 00
George E. Baldwin ......
Chief General Stenographer .............
Prince George's . . .
575 00
Miss Laura V. Helmstetter
Anne Arundel ....
665 00
Miss Lillian Kullick .....
Baltimore City ....
465 00
A. D. Price .............
Cecil .............
586 00
Miss Ellen C. Kane ......
Baltimore ........
469 00
Miss Annie Crady .......
Baltimore City ....
465 00
Miss Florence Dailey. . . .
465 00
Miss E. M. Brice ........
Kent County ......
514 00
John Bond .............
Clerk to Minority Senators ..............
Calvert ..........
500 00
L. A. Rudisill ..........
Messenger to Minority Senators ..........
Garrett ..........
560 00
F. Sterling Grumbine. . . .
Stenographer to Minority Senators .......
Carroll ...........
480 00
Miss Madaline Gear......
Allegany .........
530 00
Joseph Kelley ..........
Keeper Cloak Room.....................
Baltimore City ....
465 00
C. A. Morrison .........
General Stenographer ...................
Cecil .............
586 00
S. C. Jones .............
Worcester ........
544 00
W. P. Burriss ..........
Queen Anne's .....
518 00
George K. Houck ........
Asst. to Secretary of Senate ..............
Cecil .............
786 00
Charles Dashiell ........
Legislative Clerk ......................
Wicomico .........
536 00
Thomas Kane ...........
Committee Clerk .......................
Baltimore City ....
225 00
J. J. Ringer ............
Chaplain 30 days .......................
Frederick ........
183 00
Carried Forward .
$64,010 31