TABLE No. 2.
Receipts into the Treasury During the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1913, from Registers of Wills and Others
Herein Named.
Excess of
Fees of
Tax on Com-
missions of
Extrs. and
Tax on
Hervey W. Shuck, Register of Wills, Allegany County ......
$186 51
$1,334 66
$3,602 62
$5,123 79
Oden B. Duckett, " " " Anne Arundel County..
538 95
2,452 68
2,991 63
Howard W. Jackson, " " " Baltimore City .......
27,640 19
39,807 25
283,288 20
350,735 64
William J. Peach, " " " Baltimore County....
2,911 92
10,786 87
21,128 57
34,827 36
William P. Cole, Clerk of the Circuit Court, " ....
2,230 59
2,230 59
Arthur W. Harkness, Register of Wills, Calvert ' ....
58 81
58 81
Z. Potter Steele, " " " Caroline ' ....
356 44
262 66
619 10
William Arthur, " " " Carroll ' ....
1,660 95
2,836 74
6,426 82
10,924 51
Joseph B. Brooks, Ex. " " " " '
1 00
1 00
Thomas B. Miller, " " " Cecil ' ....
1,018 89
3,540 09
4,558 98
P. Ernest Sasscer, " " " Charles ' ....
177 56
177 56
Russell P. Smith, " " " Dorchester ' ....
608 54
1,362 84
1,971 38
Samuel D. Thomas, " " " Frederick ' ....
47 84
2,269 40
10,397 25
12,714 49
E. E. Friend, " " " Garrett ' ....
420 37
669 93
1,090 30
Hugh T. Bay, " " " Harford ' ....
1,317 54
2,740 23
4,057 77
Richard Davis of W., " " " Howard ' ....
698 54
2,547 40
3,245 94
Jesse R. Copper, " " " Kent ' ....
635 42
635 42
Henry C. Allnutt, " " " Montgomery ' ....
1,681 38
3,486 24
5,167 62
William A. Miller, " " " Prince George's ' ....
371 33
2,748 81
3,120 14
Robert W. Thomas. " " " Queen Anne's ' ....
653 16
1,973 76
2,626 92
Sidney Waller, " " " Somerset ' ....
331 69
399 97
731 66
Benjamin Combs, " " " St. Mary's ' ....
220 21
66 13
286 34
Charles R. Wooters, -" " " Talbot . ' ....
664 11
581 84
1,245 95
Thomas E. Hilliard, " " " Washington ' ....
217 95
2,325 28
22,707 84
25,251 07
John W. Dashiell, " " " Wicomico ' ....
648 25
3,560 67
4,208 92
Edward P. Davis, " " " Worcester ' ...
323 50
365 02
688 52
$32,666 36
$70,084 89
$376,540 16
$479,291 41