Balance to the credit of the Oyster Fund,
October 1st, 1912........................
$438 74
Chapter 556 of the Acts of 1912.............
$20,000 00
From Clerk of the Court of Talbot County . .
1,255 00
Clerk of the Court of Kent County. . . .
332 50
" Clerk of the Court of Queen Anne's
County ...........................
332 50
Sale of Old Launch .................
30 00
Sale of Old Engine..................
50 00
" Dredging Licenses ..................
15,063 31
" Oyster Fines ........................
1,066 75
" Tong and Scrape Licenses...........
9,351 79
" Oyster Canners' and Oyster Packers'
Licenses ..........................
4,077 75
" Fishery Licenses, Chesapeake Bay ....
600 19
" Oyster Measurers' Licenses ..........
147 25
" Purse Net Licenses ..................
725 00
Excess of General Measurers and Inspectors
of Oysters ..............................
21,577 00
74,609 04
Total Receipts ......................
$75,047 78
For Salaries ..............................
$50,779 81
" Supplies ..............................
1,340 35
" Repairs ...............................
8.764 20
" Fuel .................................
3,422 39
" Incidental Expenses ...................
3,389 47
" Expenses at Headquarters ..............
1,012 05
69,308 27
Balance to the credit of the Oyster
Fund September 30th, 1913 .........
$5,739 51