Brought Forward......................
$172,853 33
Purchased during the Fiscal Year the fol-
lowing Bonds:
$123,749.10 Consolidated Loan of 1899......
122,720 00
Cash Balance carried down ..........
$50,133 33
State Building and Improvement Loan.
Received during the Fiscal Year, to wit:
State Building and Improvement Loan .....
$7,770 00
Consolidated Loan of 1899 .................
2,974 50
State Loan of 1902........................
1,380 00
Public Buildings Loan.....................
1,050 00
State Roads Loan .........................
1,400 00
$14,574 50
Purchased during the Fiscal Year the fol-
lowing Bonds:
$10,000 Technical School Loan of 1912......
10,000 00
Cash Balance carried down ..........
$4,574 50
State Loan of 1902.
Received during the Fiscal Year, to wit:
State Loan of 1902 ........................
$6,510 00
Consolidated Loan of 1899.................
3,180 00
Public Building Loan ......................
1,820 00
State Roads Loan .........................
1,400 00
Cash, Transfer from the Treasury proper. . .
2,090 00
$15,000 00
Purchased during the Fiscal Year the fol-
lowing Bonds:
$15,000 Technical School Loan of 1912......
$15,000 00
Public Buildings Loan.
Received during the Fiscal Year, to wit:
Public Buildings Loan ....................
$18,235 00
State Roads Loan .........................
4,305 00
Consolidated Loan of 1899 .................
1,170 00
Cash, Transfer from the Treasury proper. . .
1,290 00
25,000 00
Purchased during the Fiscal Year the fol-
lowing Bonds:
$25,000 Technical School Loan of 1912......
$25,000 00
State Roads Loan.
Received during the Fiscal Year, to wit:
State Roads Loan.........................
$13,580 00
Cash, Transfer from the Treasury proper. . .
295,276 59
$308,856 59
Carried Forward.......................
$308,856 59