Probable Disbursements During Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 1913.
Approved High Schools ................................
$115,800 00
Agricultural Fair Associations.........................
5,000 00
Blind Asylum .........................................
21,000 00
Bank Commissioner ...................................
10,000 00
Berlin-Delaware Line State Highway..................
. 75,000 00
Bureau of Statistics and Information ...................
22,000 00
Civil Officers...........................................
54,000 00
Colleges, Academies and Schools .......................
125,000 00
Contingent Funds .....................................
35,000 00
Commissions to Attorneys.............................
1,000 00
Commission of Fisheries...............................
15,000 00
Charitable Institutions.................................
700,000 00
Crownsville State Hospital.............................
33,500 00
Consolidated Loan of 1913 .............................
400,000 00
Deaf and Dumb Asylum at Frederick...................
34,500 00
Deaf, Dumb and Blind — Colored Children...............
. 12,000 00
Excess of Fees of Office to be paid Clerks Baltimore City
Courts .............................................
13,000 00
Fuel and Lights .......................................
9,500 00
Geological and Economic Survey.......................
15,000 00
General Measurers and Inspectors of Oysters ...........
10,000 00
House of Reformation and Instruction for Colored Chil-
dren ...............................................
10,000 00
Immigration Fund ....................................
10,650 00
Interest on Public Debt................................
550,000 00
Inspection of Mines ...................................
1,500 00
Judiciary ............................................
157,000 00
Land Office — Indexing Land Records and Extracts of
Deeds ..............................................
10,000 00
Legislative Printing...................................
4,500 00
Maryland School for Boys .............................
20,000 00
Maryland Industrial School for Girls...................
6,000 00
Maryland Asylum and Training School for Feeble Minded
78,000 00
Maryland Reports .....................................
1,800 00
Militia ...............................................
89,200 00
Miscellaneous and Special Appropriations..............
40,000 00
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, on Account of
Liquor Licenses.....................................
1,110,000 00
Maryland Agricultural .College.........................
70,000 00
Maryland Tuberculosis Sanatorium ....................
125,000 00
Motor Vehicle Licenses ................................
100,000 00
Maryland State Normal School Loan ...................
600,000 00
Oyster Fund ..........................................
70,000 00
Public Service Commission ............................
75,000 00
Public Highways Loan of 1910.........................
250,000 00
Carried Forward ..........................
$5,084,950 00