Miss M. C. Mack......
. . . .Stenographer .............................
Baltimore City.....
430 00
M. F. Cuddy..........
. . .Clerk Temperance Committee..............
Baltimore City.....
295 00
C. C. Vickers.........
. . .Clerk Chesapeake Bay & Tributaries Com-
mittee ..................................
Wicomico .........
501 00
Rev. W. A. Price ......
. . .Chaplain .................................
Baltimore City.....
150 00
Rev. C. L. Kennard. . .
. . . Chaplain .................................
Howard ...........
163 00
J. Harry Philbin ......
. . .Engrossing Clerk..........................
Baltimore City.....
530 00
Miss Ethel Merwin . . .
Stenographer ..............................
Baltimore City.....
265 25
F. H. Meyer...........
. . .Engrossing Clerk..........................
Dorchester .......
470 00
Edward C. King.......
. . .Committee Clerk..........................
Montgomery ......
261 00
J. A. Wainwright.......
. . .Engrossing Clerk..........................
Wicomico .........
316 00
A. J. Steinkamp ......
" " .........
Baltimore City.....
160 00
P. C. Gorman..........
" "
Baltimore City.....
195 00
L. B. Ker.............
" "
Wicomico .........
231 00
Robert B. Cooke .......
" "
Anne Arundel......
160 00
Charles B. Durney. . . .
" "
Baltimore City.....
255 00
Hugh F. O'Donnell....
. . .Committee Clerk..........................
Montgomery ........
166 00
John H. McHale.......
. . .Carpenter .................................
Talbot .............
303 00
Samuel W. Brown ....
. . .Engrossing Clerk..........................
Prince George's ....
165 00
Charles D. Pickett.
. . .Assistant Journal Clerk....................
Howard ...........
198 00
Miss Frances B. Wells
. . . Stenographer .............................
Anne Arundel ......
228 35
W. H. Cooper.........
...Doorkeeper Session 1910, Opening Session
of 1912.................................
Kent ..............
75 00
Stamps furnished
employees and committees .........................
190 00
William Fisher.......
. . .Cleaner Committee Rooms .................
No Address ........
135 00
Horace Norwood ......
" «
135 00
Thomas Eadds .......
" "
135 00
Myers Boucher.......
" " ..................
135 00
James Small ...........
. . .Keeper Toilet..............................
135 00
George Garner........
" ....... .......................
135 00
Frank Young.........
" ..... ............
135 00
Horace Bright ........
135 00
Irving Boone..........
....Spittoon Cleaner...........................
135 00
Carried Forward. .
.$114,521 89