James Gantt..........
. . . Hauling refuse from House of Delegates ....
Annapolis ..........
25 00
M. L. Tull............
. . . Keeping Legislative accounts..............
Somerset ..........
150 00
Miss Bessie Esmond..
. . . Telephone operator ........................
Annapolis ..........
150 00
Miss Annie Howard. . .
" "
150 00
G. W. Sullivan.......
. . . Messenger boy.............................
15 00
J. Wohlgemuth .......
" "
15 00
State Printer .........
. . . For rubber stamps.........................
Baltimore City......
5 00
M. L. Himmel & Son. .
. . . One table and chairs......................
Baltimore City......
29 75
Mrs. Annie Killman...
. . . Washing and ironing towels ...............
Annapolis ..........
75 00
C. W. Haslup.........
. . . For cleaning House of Delegates rooms .....
Howard ............
150 00
Isaac Benesch & Son . .
. . . Special order for furniture................
Annapolis ..........
57 00
Anne Arundel AdvertL
ser . For printing for the Speaker..............
10 00
James W. Owens .....
. . . For preparing Omnibus Bequest Bill .......
100 00
W. A. Percy..........
. . . For services rendered House of Delegates . . .
Dorchester .........
70 00
$114,989 50
Total amount of
expenditures House of Delegates..............
$114,989 50
" Senate..........................
82,844 51
" " "
Legislative expenditures......................
$197,834 01