Legislative Expenses—Continued.
Brought Forward.
$78,449 76
W. R. Hamilton....
. . . Reporter .................................
No Address.........
150 00
L. A. Riley...........
. . . Telegraph Operator........................
50 00
C. Green..............
. . . " " .
50 00
W. J. C. Dulany Co...
. . . Special order for books and furniture .....
Batimore City ......
403 00
E. G. Kenley .........
. . . For services rendered Library Committee. .
Worcester ..........
225 00
H. J. Hopkins, .......
. . . For services rendered Finance and Ways
and Means Committees..................
Annapolis ..........
300 00
George W. Saffleld....
. . . Senate Night Watchman ..................
135 00
William E. Hurst.....
. . . For services rendered Senate..............
450 00
Remington Typewriter
Co.For rental of machines....................
Baltimore City......
26 75
Miss Bessie Esmond . .
. . . Telephone Operator .......................
Annapolis ..........
150 00
Miss Annie Howard . . .
... " " .....
150 00
G. W. Sullivan .......
Telephone Messenger ......................
" .....
50 00
J. Wohlgemuth........
... " " ........................
50 00
R. F. Ellers..........
Special order for services rendered the Leg-
islature ................................
Baltimore City......
100 00
G. W. Higgins.........
For repairing locks' and chairs............
Annapolis ..........
20 00
M. D. Conway.........
Special Order "Messenger" ................
No Address.........
25 00
D. Burrows............
For services rendered the Virginia Commis-
sion of the Maryland Legislature ........
No Address .........
50 00
James Gantt...........
For hauling paper and refuse from Senate. .
Annapolis ..........
25 00
Jerome T. Hayman
For services rendered Finance Committee..
Wicomico ..........
150 00
C. W. Haslup..........
. For cleaning Senate and Committee rooras . .
Howard . ........
150 00
Underwood Typewriter
Co.For rental of machines....................
Baltimore City......
38 00
Mrs. A. Killman .......
. . For washing and ironing towels............
Annapolis ..........
150 00