Statement Showing the Expenditures on Account of Legislative Expenses, Session of 1908 as per Chapter 420 of 1908.
John B. Shannon ......... Senator ..................................
Allegany ...........
$655 00
James R. Brashears...... " ..................................
Anne Arundel.......
590 00
John S. Biddison ......... " ..................................
Baltimore ..........
594 00
Lewis MeK. Griffith....... " ..................................
Calvert ............
625 00
Wm. W. Goldsborough .... " ..................................
Caroline ...........
649 00
Johnzie E. Beasman ...... " ..................................
Carroll ............
505 00
Joseph I. France ......... " ..................................
Cecil ..............
511 00
S. Spearman Lancaster.... " ..................................
Charles ............
623 00
Joseph B. Andrews ....... " ..................................
Dorchester .........
565 00
J. P. T. Mathias .......... " ..................................
Frederick ..........
608 00
W. McCulloh Brown ...... " ..................................
Garrett ............
660 00
William B. Baker......... " ..................................
Harford ............
502 00
A. P. German, Jr ......... " ..................................
Howard ............
493 00
William M. Slay.......... " Order for $45.25 as Chairman of
Committee Expenses Public In-
stitutions ......................
Kent ..............
584 25
Blair Lee................. " ..................................
Montgomery .......
476 00
Wm. B. CIag«tt........... " ..................................
Prince George's .....
500 00
John F. Harper........... " ..................................
Queen Anne's.......
643 00
L. M. Milbourne.......... " ..................................
Somerset ..........
667 00
Francis F. Greenwell...... " ..................................
St. Mary's..........
646 00
Jos. B. Seth, President.... " ..................................
Talbot .............
931 00
Harry E. Barker.......... " ..................................
Washington ........
624 00
Jesse D. Price............ " ..................................'
Wicomico .........
661 00
John P. Moore............ " ..................................
Worcester .........
569 00
Carried Forward ...............................................
$13,881 25